The Marriage Course

The St. Mark’s ‘Family Life’ team run the Alpha Marriage Course. This is a simple way for couples in our community to spend some time on developing their relationships in this time. The Marriage Course is a 7-week course, based on a series of videos exploring topics such as: Strengthening Connection, Communication Skills, Resolving Conflict, The Power of Forgiveness, The Impact of Family, Good Sex, and Love in Action. Couples are given a chance to do simple exercises and discussions on these topics with supporting materials. There is no group interaction and you will not be expected to share with others, all the work is done by the couple with each other. However, we will have facilitators to help you work through the material and provide some other resources to promote your engagement with the topics. The course does not presume that couples are Christians, but incorporates some discussions of spiritual themes and some times of prayer.

The session will run for approximately two hours including welcome and orientation and video discussions. The cost of the course per couple is $20, and digital copies of the workbook will be provided.

You can register your interest with Andrew (

You can find more information about the Marriage Course and Alpha here.