Here at St. Mark’s we are coming to the end of our summer holiday season, and our time with the story of Jonah. One of the things we have seen is that this book in the Old Testament is about God’s character, and that His love and patience with us is much deeper than we can imagine. This is good news for all of us who struggle with God in the way that Jonah did.
As we move into the first term of the year, at St. Mark’s we are entering a period of reflection and seeking God’s will for the future of our church. This is a time when we can benefit from listening to each other, and listening to God in an intentional way. Next week we are going to launch a survey and discussion process for our members to share their insights about our strengths as a church and opportunities for growth, as well as anything that God is putting on their hearts for the future. I would encourage you to take part so that all of our voices and wisdom can be heard.
I am also keen for us to spend time in prayer during this time. Personally, I will give some time every day to praying for the future of our church and our community, and I would appreciate those who are able to do the same along with me. Between now and Easter, on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday mornings from 8.30-9am I will be opening up the church and spending the time in a service of Bible reading and prayer. Anyone is welcome to join me if you are able.
Next week we will be starting a series of sermons on the Old Testament book of ‘Leviticus’, and we will see how the ancient religious laws of the people of Israel give us a vision for how to follow Christ with all our hearts today. -Andrew-