One of the big challenges at the moment for us is the amount of distractions that we have in our daily lives. In addition to whatever task is before us we now have constant connection to phones, email, and a million other notifications of various apps working in the background of our lives. It’s increasingly recognised that this often has a negative impact on our relationships, because it is hard to pay attention to our families and friends in the way that they need. In being so ‘connected’ we become disconnected. But the same is true in our relationship with God, that the distractions of life make it hard to hear his voice and to pay attention to him. Particularly because God often speaks to us in the ‘quiet whisper’ that Elijah heard (1 Kings 19), allowing us the freedom to ignore him if we choose. This week in our series on the Song of Songs we think about the reality that God is calling out to our hearts, calling us to pay attention to him and follow him into a new life. This experience is often buried under many distractions, but it is always there, and our job is to listen and be ready. Where do you hear God speaking to you right at the moment?
– Andrew –