This weekend we are celebrating Easter, alongside Christians from all around the world. This is the high point of our church calendar and the greatest celebration of our faith, because it is centred on the death and resurrection of Jesus. It was these events that showed who he really was and what he came to do, to save the world from our slavery to sin and to death. At St. Mark’s we are thinking about what it meant to experience the cross for those who were there – on Good Friday the experience that Jesus himself went through of giving over everything in his obedience to God, and on Easter Sunday the apostle Peter, who missed the Cross but was invited to a new and challenging life after the Resurrection. For us today this is still the challenge, to take on and understand the Cross of Jesus and his Resurrection, the way it challenges and changes our world and our attitude to everything in it. I pray that during Easter this year you would be able to place yourself at the Cross, and the empty tomb, and see what God has done for us. – Andrew –