Next week we start the school holidays. Many people in our church also take the time in winter to head away on holidays to warmer places. Some of us wish we could join them! In our sermon series at St. Mark’s on ‘Finding Our Pattern of Life’ we are going through the topic this week of how we care for our ‘souls’. Our soul is another word for our ‘life’ – the thoughts and feelings we have, the things that we do, our energy, our personality, our passions. These things are our soul. Part of caring for them is understanding what gives life and what takes it away. Rest and holidays are something that give life and remind us that we are more than just working machines. Jesus promised that those who followed him would find ‘rest for your souls’ (Matthew 11:29). So, enjoy your holidays, and let’s help each other bring the cares of our souls to Christ, for His rest. -Andrew-