Across my life I have learnt to play a number of musical instruments. When you first pick up a new instrument, it feels very odd and you make terrible noises. But, with practice, it can come over time to feel like an extension of your body, and you know just what to do to make the sound and music that you want. As Christians, one of our challenges is to see our physical bodies as an ‘instrument’ of God, an instrument that as Psalm 139 says is ‘fearfully and wonderfully made’ and capable of producing the beautiful and powerful ‘music’ that God wants to make in the world. This week at St. Mark’s we are thinking about how the way we care for our bodies is part of our discipleship as followers of Jesus. This opens up many fruitful and interesting topics to consider as we grow in our knowledge of God – thinks like what we eat, how we sleep and how we exercise our bodies, and do all these things in a way that leads to Jesus – as Paul says in 1 Corinthians 10:31, ‘So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God’. -Andrew –