At St. Mark’s this week we are starting our series on the book of Ecclesiastes, about ‘Life Within Limits’. Ecclesiastes is a sobering and melancholy book, that takes into account the limitations and frustrations of life and probes for where true meaning can be found. A key idea for the teacher of Ecclesiastes is that we live our life ‘under the sun’, which means within the natural world with all its rhythms and cycles. The cycle of life goes round and round forever, but our lives only go around once Then we leave the world without seeming to make much of a difference. Our responses to this reality tend to range from despair and resignation to rage and resistance. Ecclesiastes helps us to see the importance of accepting what it means to be created and to have limits, as well as pushing us to consider the possibility that there might be another reality beyond the limit of the sun that can set us free and give lasting meaning to our lives. As we go through this series we will think about some of the practical ways that Christians’ can live under the sun in a way that reflects our hope in Jesus.
From now on I will be posting a blog only once a week, but we are working on other ways to build our social media engagement with our members and community at St. Mark’s, so make sure that you like our Facebook page and follow our Instagram account.